Turf Research Field Day

Turf Research Field Day was a huge success!

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We held our Turf Research Field Day at its trial site in Cobbity, NSW, on Thursday, September 25.  Once again, the day proved popular with over 70 guests attending.  Golf Superintendents, Turf Managers, University and TAFE staff and their students, all were present.

Jyri Kaapro, Turf Research Manager, had prepared Turf Weed and Disease Trials including:

  • Tribute® for Kikuyu Control
  • Specticle® Trial
  • Wintergrass Control
  • Post-emergent Weed Control
  • Turf Safety of Envu Herbicides
  • Dollar Spot Control

In addition to the Trial Sites, were several trade displays presented by Envu's distributors: Globe, Simplot, Living Turf and Nuturf.  Equipment Solutions also conducted a machinery demonstration.

The trade displays included:

  • Demonstration of Plant Nutrition range by Globe
  • Scientific Equipment demonstration by Simplot
  • Demonstration on Turf Forensics by Living Turf
  • Demonstrations on Wetting Agents by Nuturf

The day commenced at 9.30am with registration and morning tea.  Envu then walked guests through the trial sites, discussing and inspecting the results.  Following this, guests were invited to attend the Distributor Demonstrations, and enjoy a gourmet BBQ luncheon, before departing at 1pm.

Envu staff, Jyri Kaapro, Peter Kirby, Paul Conradt and Wendell Arnett attended the day, and were very pleased with the attendance.  Jyri said “Once again the day proved popular and we appreciated the support of our distributor partners.  The Turf Research Field Day allows us to interact with customers and discuss their issues, as well as to give them insights into our pipeline of products”.

The Turf Research Field Day was awarded 3 Accreditation points by the AGCSA (Australian Golf Course Superintendents Association).

Peter Kirby, Turf Market Manager, commented “It was great to see a good turnout for the field day once more. Everyone who attended seemed to get a lot out of seeing the products in action. Envu’s R&D and technical capacity is a real advantage for our business, and we are happy to assist our customer base where possible in turf problem solving,  program development or other plant health related issues. Thanks to all who put in a great effort to make this day happen and we look forward to hosting this day again in 2015”.


For Further Information:

Jyri Kaapro

(m) 0409 942 513