Stressgard Formulation Technology

Stressgard® Formulation Technology – proven results and peace of mind when you need it most.

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Envu’s portfolio of fungicides made with Stressgard® Formulation Technology (FT) has recently expanded to four products with the introduction of Exteris Stressgard®. We felt it was timely to provide some updated information about how to get the best results from Stressgard FT, provide some insight on each of the four products and clarify exactly why Stressgard products can be trusted to deliver proven results and peace of mind when you need it most.

What makes Envu’s Stressgard FT fungicides unique?

  • Unique combination of active ingredients, inert ingredients and Envu’s advanced formulation technology
  • Proven in independent university trials to give outstanding disease control while alleviating plant stresses, ultimately improving turf quality, density, colour and playability.

How does a program containing Envu’s Stressgard FT fungicides help you sustain turf health during summer stress:

  • Control diseases at the highest level.
  • Increase chlorophyll production in the plant.
  • Increase photosynthesis leading to improved root growth and turf density.
  • Filter out the harmful UV radiation.
  • Reduces oxidative stress.
  • Build the plant’s own defence capability.
  • Excellent turf safety – you can be confident to apply even when conditions are challenging and turf is under stress.

How often should I apply products containing Stressgard FT in a rotational disease management program?

  • Application on a regular frequency will ensure you get the maximum benefits.
  • Applications are best started leading up to the stress period.
  • Early in the season with reduced stress the application can have a wider interval (e.g. every 3 weeks).
  • As stress increases it may become necessary to shorten the application interval (e.g. every 2 weeks).
  • Applications on a weekly cycle are done in high pressure periods by some golf courses. These are safe on the turfgrass and we do see positive benefits.

What are the Stressgard FT fungicides?

With the recent introduction of Exteris Stressgard the fourth product in the Stressgard FT portfolio, it has never been easier to develop a disease control program that can cater to your specific disease pressures and budget.

Rate per 100m2 Rate per hectare
Signature Stressgard® Systemic Fungicide
Signature Stressgard is different from other fungicides in that it is truly systemic, traveling up and down within the plant. This product is the foundation turf fungicide for pythium management and turf quality in every season. Signature Stressgard is proven to protect turf from stresses during summer decline, and it improves turf quality characteristics including colour, density, vigour, uniformity and playability.

Active Ingredient: 800g/kg Fosetyl-Al
Pack Size: 2.5kg
125g 12.5kg
Exteris Stressgard® Turf Fungicide
The newest fungicide innovation from Envu has you covered, providing outstanding broad-spectrum disease control, turf quality and application flexibility. Contains a new and unique SDHI active ingredient as well as new Leaf-CoteTM and Stressgard® Formulation Technology.

Active Ingredient: 1 2.5g/L Fluopyram, 12.5g/L Trifloxystrobin
Pack Size: 5L
100mL 10L
Interface® Stressgard Turf Fungicide
A powerful, new generation turf fungicide which delivers thorough disease control leading to visibly healthier turf. Contains a unique combination of contact and mesostemic action to prevent, cure and eradicate diseases such as dollar spot, brown patch and fusarium. Made with Stressgard Formulation Technology, Interface promotes stronger turf and maintenance of optimal playing conditions even through high stress periods.

Active Ingredient: 256g/L Iprodione, 16g/L Trifloxystrobin
Pack Size: 5L
125mL 12.5L
Reserve® Stressgard Turf Fungicide
Reserve Stressgard Turf Fungicide is a contact and protectant fungicide for the control of fungal diseases in turf. A unique product made with Stressgard Formulation Technology, use of Reserve Stressgard in a program with Signature Stressgard and Interface Stressgard promotes stronger turf and maintenance of optimal playing conditions even through high stress periods.

Active Ingredient: 720g/L Chlorothalonil
Pack Size: 10L
130-240mL 13-24L

In summary:

Programs utilising Envu’s range of Stressgard FT fungicides are proven to deliver outstanding disease control, and build stronger, healthier turf that performs better under stressful conditions.

If you’d like more information about any of Envu’s products or discuss a Stressgard FT program, please call your local Envu agent or Envu Territory Manager. Find their contact details here.

Always read the label before use.

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Exteris Stressgard
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