High Temps Challenge Short Cut Turf

The current high temperatures are presenting a challenge to those managing short cut turf. One effect of these temperatures is a reduction in turf quality if DMI fungicides are used.

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High temperatures present a challenge to those managing short cut turf. One effect of these temperatures is a reduction in turf quality if DMI fungicides are used. This has been well documented on the “Turf Disease” website by Dr. Lane Tredway (at the time from NCSU).

His general recommendation is not to use the DMI (or triazole) fungicides when temperatures are above 32°C in the days and weeks after the fungicide application. Safer alternatives are products like Interface® Stressgard and Reserve® Stressgard which do not contain DMI chemistry and provide broad spectrum disease control.

Send an e-mail or photograph to jyri.kaapro@envu.com if you have any experiences of turf with either of these symptoms or reach out to our team.

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