QSAC Stadium Manages Multiple Users

QSAC Grounds Manager Matt Oliver shares with us the challenges of keeping the turf at its best with such a variety and number of different users.

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Matt Oliver, Grounds Manager at The Queensland Sports and Athletic Centre Stadium (QSAC) shares with us the challenges in managing the turf with a variety of different users. The QSAC is a versatile venue that caters to high-performance events as well as local community sports such as soccer and athletics. It is meticulously managed, being mowed regularly and fertilized weekly.

The field experiences pests such as Couch Grass and various patch diseases, but these are managed through integrated pest management strategies. Overall, QSAC Stadium takes great pride in its field management and prepares it diligently for each season. Watch the video to learn more.

To find out more information, reach out to our team. 

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*Disclaimer: As of Oct 4th 2022, the Environmental Science division of Bayer was divested and transferred to Envu. Note that this content was produced prior to separation.