Take-all Patch

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Take All Patch - Bayer - Golf Management

Species category: Root Diseases
Scientific name: Gaeumannomyces graminis

What is Take-All patch?
Formerly known as ophiobolus patch, Take-all patch is a disease of cool season turf particularly bentgrass.

Initial patches often resemble Fusarium patch; however, they continue to develop after Fusarium has ceased in late spring. These patches appear slightly reddish-brown in colour to begin and then the turf will die away, to be replaced by broadleaf weeds.

Patches can range from 10cm to an area covering 3m.

When does Take-all patch occur?

Most severe in a cool, wet year on poorly drained or over irrigated turf. Patches often occur after fumigation, in areas of low nitrogen fertility and/or high PH.

What damage or effect will Take-all patch have?

The roots of affected plants are generally brown with the centre of diseased patches filling with weeds. The weeds are more resistant and competitive, further affecting the turfgrass.

The mix of weeds and grasses creates an uneven playing surface and can affect ball roll.

Envu recommends using Bayfidan.

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