Spring Dead Spot

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Spring Dead Spot - Bayer - Golf Management
Species category: Root Diseases
Scientific name: Leptosphaeria spp.

What is Spring Dead Spot? 
First symptoms of this disease often appear in the spring when the turf resumes growth and will present as circular, bleached dead patches. Patches are often also visible in autumn and in winter.

These patches can range from a few centimetres to over 1 metre in diameter and can reappear in the same spot for a number of years. Couch grass under intensive management is most affected.

When does Spring Dead Spot occur?

Cool temperatures and moist soil provide the perfect conditions to allow this pathogen to grow most actively. Maximum injury occurs when soil temperatures are around 15°C. This is when couch grass activity is restricted, allowing the fungal growth to compete effectively.

What damage or effect will Spring Dead Spot have?

As the couch breaks dormancy in the spring the damage is highlighted where competition from the disease restricts growth. It is of most damage to low cut turf such as golf and bowling greens and patches can disrupt the playing surface.

Envu recommends using Dedicate to eradicate Spring Dead Spot.

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