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Dedicate FORTE Stressgard


Dedicate FORTE Stressgard

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Product Overview

Dedicate FORTE Stressgard® is a new, broad-spectrum fungicide from Envu. It is the first DMI fungicide, containing tebuconazole (240 g/L) with Stressgard Formulation Technology, and controls tough soil-borne and foliar fungal diseases in both cool and warm season turfgrass. Watch the video below.

Key Features

A use rate that delivers powerful control of a broad spectrum of soil borne and foliar diseases

A solo active ingredient formulation of tebuconazole (Fungicide Resistance Action Committee Group 3), making it different from many other products that combine FRAC Groups 3 and 11

The first DMI fungicide registered by Envu with Stressgard formulation technology

Tebuconazole is proven to have low growth regulatory impact on both warm and cool season turf

Key Benefits

Confidence to start the season with strong disease knockdown and protection, and fast, thorough curative control from upward systemic movement of the active ingredient

Brings simplification and flexibility to the building of effective fungicide programs that manage resistance, particularly to FRAC Group 11 fungicides

Increases the flexibility to build season long Stressgard fungicide programs that improve turf health and quality by mitigating abiotic and biotic stress

Provides confidence of summer safety, and flexibility to use when turf is under growth regulation

Application Rates

Application rate: 3.5 L/ha. 

Good coverage and wetting of the foliage are necessary. An application is rainfast after drying (approximately 30 minutes) and rain or sprinkler irrigation after this time should not decrease effectiveness. This product must be used as part of an integrated pest management plan that promotes plant growth and minimizes stress conditions. Apply in all cases when plants are fully established and actively growing. Applications must be applied at prescribed intervals to maintain disease control.

Good control requires good coverage. Application should be made using sufficient water to ensure thorough, uniform coverage. Apply in 400-800 L water per ha for foliar or crown diseases such as Dollar Spot, Anthracnose, Brown Patch, Fusarium (Microdochium), Helminthosporium, Gray leaf spot and Rust. Use higher water rates (up to 1600 L per ha) for treatment of soil/root diseases such as Brown Patch and Fairy Ring.

This product may cause staining. Avoid off-target hardscapes such as cart paths, driveways, pavers, or similar materials. Rinse spray equipment thoroughly with warm water and detergent.

Best Practices

// This product must be used as part of an integrated pest management plan that promotes plant growth and minimizes stress conditions. Apply in all cases when turf is fully established and actively growing. Applications must be applied at prescribed intervals to maintain disease control. Apply growth regulators a minimum of 7 days before or after the application of Dedicate FORTE Stressgard.

// To reduce Pythium inoculum levels and early season infection, tank mix Dedicate FORTE Stressgard with a Pythium active fungicide like Banol®.

// If the site has a known history of plant parasitic nematodes, then Dedicate FORTE Stressgard can be tank mixed with Indemnify® for protection of the roots in spring from nematode attack.

Use & Safety

Where to use

Turf Golf Sportsfield

Application rates and delivery

May irritate the eyes. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. When opening the container, mixing and loading and using the prepared spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and elbow-length chemical resistant gloves. Wash hands after use. After each day’s use, wash gloves and contaminated clothing.

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