Large Patch

(Rhizoctonia solani)
Large Patch (Rhizoctonia solani) is a fungal patch disease affecting warm-season turfgrasses such as Kikuyu, Couchgrass, Zoysia, and other warm-season species. It attacks slow-growing, warm-season turfgrass in cool, wet weather, and is most common on semi-dormant turfgrass or turfgrass that is going into or emerging from dormancy. Typically developing between autumn and spring, Large Patch is characterised by large patches of visibly damaged turf. 
Factors contributing to Large Patch outbreaks:
→ Cool, wet weather
→ Turf in semi-dormant or dormancy transition phases
→ Optimal infection: 21–27°C, active range: 10–30°C
→ Most active during autumn and spring in temperate climates
Symptoms of Large Patch:
→ Patches: Range from 30 cm to 6+ metres in diameter.
→ Colour: Tan, yellow, or orange turf; expanding rings have a characteristic orange “firing” around the edge of the patch.
→ As the disease progresses, patch interiors become sunken, and turf appears thin.
→ Damage continues until temperatures rise above 30°C, at which point the turf can 
recover and begin active growth again


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Large Patch Disease Management

 Cultural Practices are the first step in reducing Large Patch:

→ Improve drainage to prevent water-logged soils wherever possible, as saturated soil conditions exacerbate Large Patch

→ Regular aeration in summer to reduce compaction and risk of having water-logged soil

→ Avoid late-summer/autumn nitrogen applications, as excess nitrogen can exacerbate disease.

Control with DMI fungicides:

→ DMI fungicides are the preferred mode of action for controlling Large Patch. Dedicate® FORTE Stressgard®, with the active ingredient tebuconazole, is a DMI fungicide registered for the control of Large Patch disease.


Controlling Large Patch with Dedicate FORTE Stressgard

Dedicate FORTE Stressgard offers an effective solution for controlling Large Patch disease:

→ Targeted Application Benefits: Dedicate® FORTE’s systemic movement protects the plant from within, including at the leaf sheath level where Rhizoctonia infection occurs. 


→ Flexible Use: Ideal for both preventive and early curative applications, especially during the transitional autumn and spring periods when Large Patch is most active.

→ Ease of Application: Offers flexible irrigation requirements, systemic movement, and long-lasting residual effects.

→ Broader Spectrum of Activity: Dedicate FORTE, with the active ingredient tebuconazole (a DMI fungicide), effectively controls a wide range of turf diseases, including Rhizoctonia solani, Fairy Ring, Take-All Patch, Dollar Spot, Grey Leaf Spot, and Anthracnose.

→ Long-Lasting Residual Protection: The DMI component (tebuconazole) provides strong, residual protection against soil-borne pathogens, effective across a range of temperatures and conditions.


Treatment Tips For Best Results

Good coverage and wetting of the foliage are necessary.

  • Apply as a preventative application in autumn when 5-cm depth soil temperatures are 22-24ºC and spring after renovation and recovery of active growth. 

  • Apply a second treatment after 28 days.

  • A third application may be needed in spring if disease pressure remains high.

  • Apply in a water rate up to 1600L/Ha for better soil penetration.

  • Follow with irrigation to wash product into the root zone.

  • Alternatively, apply fungicide with lower water volume followed by 2.5mm irrigation for effectiveness (targeting the leaf sheath).

  • Do not apply more than six applications per year.







Always read the label before use. For full list of application and usage recommendations, view the label.



Speak To Our Team

Contact our team of experts to discuss how Dedicate® FORTE Stressgard® can support the control of Large Patch on your land or call our customer service line on:

03 7019 3839.


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