Specticle Best Management Practices

Specticle delivers excellent pre-emergent control against both summer and winter annual grass and broadleaf weeds and up to 8 months residual activity, making it highly suited in many warm season turf situations.

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The Problem

  • High weed seed banks – especially Crows Foot Grass which is becoming increasingly problematic.
  • Weather conditions conducive to year-round germination and rapid weed growth, especially Crows Foot.
  • A mix of pressure from both summer and winter annual weeds.
  • Limited application windows for weed control products given very high field usage.

The Solution

  • Pre-emergent herbicides are extremely important tools to achieve efficient management of turf sites in situations where weed pressure is very high.
  • Specticle® delivers excellent pre-emergent control against both summer and winter annual grass and broadleaf weeds and up to 8 months residual activity, making it highly suited in many warm season turf situations.

Best Practice Application Guidelines

Always read and follow label directions.

Post-Application Irrigation

Adequate soil moisture is needed to activate Specticle and provide maximum control. Best practice is to irrigate with 3-6 mm of water as soon as practical after application, however effective weed control will still be achieved as long as rainfall or irrigation occurs within 21 days after application and before weed germination. This property of Specticle provides excellent flexibility for use on non-irrigated sportsfields or where irrigation uniformity is problematic.

Tank Mixing

The Specticle formulation has excellent tank mix compatibility with other products. Tank mixes of Specticle with insect control products can be considered to maximise management efficiency. However, consult the Specticle label and your local Envu Turf Territory Manager for advice on specific tank mix combinations.

Climatic Considerations

Do not apply when the soil profile is saturated/waterlogged, or if heavy rain or storms are forecast within 3 days of Specticle application.

Turf Health & Establishment

Apply to healthy turf that is well established. Specticle should not be applied to sportsfields where oversowing with cool-season turf is expected to occur within 12 months of applying Specticle.

Specticle should not be applied within 16 months of sprigging new turf, or within 3 months of laying sod. If laying sod directly into a treated area without removal of previous sod or soil, laying of new sod should be delayed until 6 months after application of Specticle. However, if removing a layer of soil from a Specticle treated area within 6 months of application (as typically carried out with a sod cutter before laying turf) normal root growth and sod establishment would be expected.

Example of Specticle pre-emergent application programs for South-East QLD and Northern NSW


Disclaimer: Local factors, such as weed pressure, soil type and seasonal conditions will influence weed germination and therefore optimal timings for weed management practices. Individual site consideration of these factors should be undertaken to optimally time applications and optimise weed control.

To find out more information about Envu's products and services, reach out to our team.

Always read the label before use.

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