Argentinian Scarab On The Move

Argentinian Scarab (Cyclocephala signaticollis) was first reported in Australia in the mid-1950s and has now spread through the ACT and NSW where it can cause significant turf damage. It has recently been found in Adelaide.

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Argentinian Scarab (Cyclocephala signaticollis)                                                                                                                                                              

Argentinian Scarab (Cyclocephala signaticollis)was first reported in Australia in the mid-1950s and has now spread through the ACT and NSW where it can cause significant turf damage. It has recently been found in Adelaide.

The adult beetle is very similar in size and shape to the better known African Black Beetle, but is coloured a mid-tan, with subtle striping on the wing carapaces. Beginning during December, the larvae start to feed and can cause considerable damage to grass, which can be accentuated by widespread feeding by birds and other predators. This activity generally increases in the autumn as the larvae get larger. In our trials larval numbers can be as high as 350 per square metre.

Scarab Larvae


An application now of a tank mix of Tempo® Xtra at 5L/ha and Merit® at 1.25L/ha will help control any remaining adults as well as providing a residual insecticide in the soil for the larvae. Application should be followed with at least 5mm of irrigation within 24 hours.

Send an e-mail or photograph to if you have any questions or get in touch with any member of our team.

Always read the label before use.

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