Controlling Brown Patch

Brown Patch is a common disease caused by the soil borne fungus Rhizoctonia Solani. Brown Patch can cause significant damage in the spring through autumn with the highest risk in the summer.

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What is Brown Patch?

Brown Patch is a common disease caused by the soil borne fungus Rhizoctonia Solani. Brown Patch can cause significant damage in the spring through autumn with the highest risk in the summer. It is most active in warm, wet conditions, when minimum temperatures are above 15°C and daily leaf wetness periods are 10 hours or more. Nighttime temperatures above 20°C with extended leaf wetness are associated with severe Brown Patch outbreaks.

What control measures can we use against it?

Disease development is often greater in areas with saturated soils/poor drainage. Brown Patch management requires an integrated approach. Avoid excessive amounts of nitrogen (N); spoon feeding (N) at low rates in the summer is recommended. Schedule irrigation at night, from midnight to early morning to minimize periods of prolonged leaf wetness. Increase air movement by addressing excessive tree and shrub growth on the golf course. Installing fans in areas near golf greens where stagnate air is a problem can reduce Brown Patch pressure significantly. Fungicides like Dedicate® and Interface® can be used in preventative or curative programs for brown patch control. Applications should be followed by irrigation to move the chemical into the rootzone.

Send an e-mail or photograph to if you have any experiences of turf with either of these symptoms.

To find out more information, reach out to our team.

Always read the label before use.

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