Chemical Control Of Turfgrass Diseases In Australia

Turfgrasses under intensive management are often subject to outbreaks of infectious diseases.

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"Diseases are most damaging when weather or cultural conditions favour the disease" - Paul Vincelli Extension Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, and A. J. Powell, Extension Professor, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences

 Cultural conditions that enhance turfgrass diseases include:

  • Close mowing 
  • Inadequate or excessive nitrogen fertility 
  • Light and frequent irrigations 
  • Excessive thatch 
  • Poor drainage 
  • Shade

To find out more information about our products and services, reach out to our team.

Always read the label before use.

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What is Stressgard?

Stressgard is an advanced formulation technology  that positively affects turf physiology. It helps turf-grass to withstand heat and high light intensity.

Fungicides made with Stressgard Formulation Technology improve turf quality far beyond disease control.

Stressgard technology:

  • Enhances turf quality
  • Protects against environmental stress
  • Improves plant health
  • Prevents the onset of disease

How does Stressgard work?

Stressgard protects photo-systems in chloroplasts. Plant photosystems convert light energy and fix carbon dioxide or carbohydrate reserves into plant energy and oxygen.

Radiation energy levels from sunlight are higher than chloroplasts actually need to convert light energy and fix carbon dioxide or utilise carbohydrate reserves by photorespiration. Excess radiation levels contribute to turf decline.

Stressgard filters damaging wavelengths of light to reduce intensity of electromagnetic radiation, keeping chloroplast thylakoid membranes healthy and intact.

Stressgard technology filters UVB radiation and improves turf quality by:

  • Increasing a plant’s capacity to conserve stored carbohydrates
  • Help the plant to stop producing energy through photorespiration
  • Alleviate photo-inhibition

What does turf treated with Stressgard look like?

Although you don't see it, below the surface fungicides containing Stressgard target roots by controlling diseases, leading to increased root mass and improved root function, providing a stronger base for the plant to grow.   Above the surface, this concept results in robust, lush top-growth with turf that has an excellent uniform density and vivid colour.

Fungicides containing Stressgard are proven to produce greener turf for a better-looking course, in addition to its improved health and vigour.

Why should I use a chemical transition aid instead of just waiting for the weather to warm up?

In situations where turfgrass managers overseed couchgrass with perennial ryegrass, the ryegrass doesn't just disappear when the temperatures warm up. In fact, it tends to hang on into the early summer, competing with the desirable grass when it comes out of dormancy.

Use of a chemical transition aid, such as Tribute® Herbicide, completely removes ryegrass, allowing the desirable grass to flourish. Not only is ryegrass efficiently and completely removed, turf quality is improved for the remainder of the summer.

How can I get assistance with identification of turf weeds?

The Turf ID App has a handy feature which allows you to send photographs of your weeds to us to aid weed identification.   High resolution photographs of important plant parts like flowers and seedheads will assist in the identification of plants.   This feature can also be used for pests and diseases.

How do I know if I can tank mix certain products?

First consult the label of the product for information on tank mixing and compatibility.
If no information is present then a “jar test” should be conducted. 

What affect can water quality have when mixing chemicals for application?

There are several factors relating to water quality which can affect the stability or performance of the chemicals being used.   pH is one of the most important factors.

Chemicals have a pH range under which they are most stable, breakdown can rapidly occur under alkaline or acidic conditions for certain chemicals.
Regular analysis of water used for mixing up chemicals is recommended. A range of products are available which can be used to modify various water parameters to make it suitable for use.

What associations represent members of the turf industry?

The turf industry comprises a range of turf managers involved with sports turf, recreational turf and turf production.

  • The golf industry is nationally represented by the Australian Golf Course Superintendents Association (AGCSA) and state based associations.
  • The Sports Turf Association (STA) represents managers of all turf sporting surfaces.
  • Turf Producers Australia (TPA) is the representative body of the levy paying turf producers.
  • Bowling Greenkeepers Associations can be found in each state for those managing turf bowling greens.
  • Parks and Leisure Australia is the peak industry association for professionals working in the Parks and Leisure sector in Australia.
  • The Australian Racecourse Managers Association (ARMA) represents those involved in racecourse management.

Which grass is best to use in my area?

Choosing the appropriate grass depends on a range of factors which are very site specific.

In cool climates, grasses like ryegrass and fescue perform well. While in warm, dry areas, the warm season grasses like couchgrass, kikuyu and Buffalo perform the best. However, in areas of heavy shade, couchgrass does not survive very well and you need to avoid the use of Buffalo in heavy wear areas as it is generally is slow to recover.   A helpful starting point is to talk to the experts in your region and observe locally what grasses perform the best.

When can I re-enter a site that has been sprayed with a chemical?

Most of our products allow re-entry once the spray is dry. Before using the product, always check the label for any exceptions.

This product is out of date. Where and how do I dispose of it?

In Australia, some councils have an annual unused chemical collection. Alternatively, contact your local council to find out about their local collection procedures and arrange a collection.

What is the shelf life of your products?

Chemical manufacturers must be able to guarantee a minimum of a 2 year shelf life unless otherwise stated on the label.

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