Winter Fusarium Overview

Winter Fusarium (Microdochium Nivale) can be a tough problem on cool-season turf from autumn through to early summer. This disease is also known as ‘Microdochium Patch’ and the same fungus causes a disease called ‘Pink Snow Mould’ in the US.

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The problem

Winter Fusarium (Microdochium Nivale) can be a tough problem on cool-season turf from autumn through to early summer. This disease is also known as ‘Microdochium Patch’ and the same fungus causes a disease called ‘Pink Snow Mould’ in the US.

What to look for

Symptoms start off as small water-soaked spots on turf that expand and turn grey or tan with a red-brown or dark, greasy-appearing margin. Fluffy white Mycelia can be observed at the edge of the patches and often dead tissue is covered by pink spore masses.

Wet conditions during maximum daytime temperatures of 7–20°C favour this disease and explosive outbreaks can occur when daytime temperatures are in the low to high 15–20°C with overcast, foggy or wet weather. It is most common on cool-season turf, especially Winter Grass, but can occasionally occur even on warm-season turf such as couch. This disease is favoured in shaded or poorly drained locations and excessive nitrogen fertility conditions.

The solution

Exteris® Stressgard®, Interface® Stressgard® and Dedicate® FORTE Stressgard® Turf Fungicide are the premier solutions for winter fusarium with excellent preventive and curative activity.

Exteris  Stressgard contains a new SDHI fungicide from a unique chemical group. Its two active ingredients provide for preventative and fast curative control. Containing Leaf-CoteTM Technology, it offers improved spray droplet coverage and adhesion, faster dry time on leaf surface and improved rainfastness.

Interface Stressgard contains two fungicidal modes of action to provide rapid knockdown and extended residual control. Stressgard Formulation Technology enhances turf quality and mitigates stress under cool and low-light conditions when winter fusarium is most active.

Interface Stressgard contains two fungicidal modes of action to provide rapid knockdown and extended residual control. Stressgard Formulation Technology enhances turf quality and mitigates stress under cool and low-light conditions when winter fusarium is most active.

Apply Exteris Stressgard in a preventative fungicide program, at 14–28 day intervals at 10 L/ha. Use the shorter interval under high disease pressure or when applying as a curative.

Apply Interface  Stressgard at 12.5 litres per hectare as a preventive or early curative treatment.

Apply Dedicate Forte Stressgard at 3.5 litres per hectare as a preventive or early curative treatment.

Rotate applications of Dedicate Forte Stressgard and Interface Stressgard when multiple applications are used in the season for winter fusarium control to prevent resistance development.



Technical Information

Solution1 Rate Application Interval
Interface® Stressgard 12.5 L/ha 14–21 days for curative control
21–28 for preventative control
Dedicate® FORTE Stressgard® 3.5 L/ha Apply on a 14-28-day spray interval when conditions are favorable for disease development. Use the shorter spray interval under high disease pressure or for curative treatment.
Exteris® Stressgard®  10 L/ha 14–21 days for curative control 
21–28 for preventative control
1. Always read and follow label instructions carefully.


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Always read the label before use.

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