Improved Dollar Spot Control

Interesting new research coming out from Virginia Tech University in the USA shows that the use of iron sulphate can have a positive effect on Dollar Spot disease control.

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Interesting new research coming out from Virginia Tech University in the USA shows that the use of iron sulphate can have a positive effect on Dollar Spot disease control. A trial was established at the University of Sydney turf plots to examine the effects of a combination of Reserve® Stressgard® Fungicide and iron sulphate on Dollar Spot disease.

The addition of iron sulphate at 50 kg/ha to Reserve Stressgard Fungicide improves and extends Dollar Spot control. These trials will continue in spring to evaluate the further usefulness of this practise.

Send an e-mail or photograph to if you have any experiences of turf with either of these symptoms.

To find out more information, reach out to our team.

Always read the label before use.

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