Golden Tailed Spiny Ant

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Golden Tailed Spiny Ant - Bayer Pest Control

Species category: Ant
Scientific name: Polyrhachis ammon

One of the more eye-catching species, it has a black body with a thick covering of fine golden hairs which produce an attractive metallic sheen.

An adult typically reaches 6-8mm in length and has a pair of strong horizontal spines on the propodeum with another pair on the petiole.

They are particularly prevalent in coastal areas stretching from Queensland and right down to Victoria.
Common in forests and woodlands where it nests under trees and shrubs, it can also be found under rocks and logging or log storage areas.

This species is an omnivore and will forage for sugars including pollen and nectar but will also seek proteins and oils.

More of a nuisance than a risk, they tend to be secondary pests, protecting sap sucking insects for their sweet secretions. In doing so, they encourage these pests to wreak havoc on the plants they inhabit, devastating some crops in commercial agriculture and also in a domestic setting.

Recommended product:  Maxforce Quantum liquid ant bait.