Sticky Nightshade / Litchi Tomato
Sticky Nightshade presents several challenges for landholders, such as:
→ Competes with crops and pastures, reducing yields
→ Hinders the growth of native plants
→ Has sharp prickles which can injure people, pets, livestock and native animals
→ Complicates harvesting operations. Method® 240SL is the only post-emergent herbicide on the Australian market with label registration for the control of Sticky Nightshade.
Click here to download a copy of the Sticky Nightshade Technical Notes.
Method 240SL Herbicide for the control of Sticky Nightshade
→ Systemic synthetic auxin action: Method® 240SL provides systemic control through both foliage and root uptake to target and disrupt plant cell growth.
→ Flexible, easy-to-use formulation: Method 240SL features an easy-to-use, unscheduled formulation, providing graziers and land managers with a convenient solution for the treatment of Sticky Nightshade.
→ Foliar application: Apply directly to leaves of Sticky Nightshade for efficient uptake.
Treatment Tips For Best Results
Apply to achieve thorough coverage.
- Spot spraying: 200-500 mL/100L
- Boom spraying: 0.5-1.3 L/ha Use the higher rate for larger plants.
- Tank mixing: Use an adjuvant at recommended rates. MSO type adjuvants at 1% have been used in trials.
- Management strategies for specific weed: Application before fruit development will help stop viable seed production.
Boom Spray Application Results
A trial was conducted by NSW DPI to compare five common treatments of Sticky Nightshade.
The trial results showed that Method®240SL applied once at 1L/HA via boom spray achieved 97% control after 7.5 months.
The other treatments required a follow up application at 6 months in order to achieve 90% control.
Spot Spray Trial
A Spot Spray Trial was conducted to compare different application rates of Method® 240SL. Six months after treatment, the trial observed 100% control of Sticky Nightshade at applications rates including 300ml/100 L, 500ml/100 L and 750ml/100 L.
100% control was also observed 12 months after application on all application rates.
Trial Number: WR-WWMethod2018-BAY389.
Available Resources
For additional information on Method® 240SL, see the Label and SDS.
The NSW Government provide resources to support further understanding of Sticky Nightshade:
• NSW WeedWise
• Mid-Western Regional Council: Sticky Nightshade Fact Sheet
• Sydney Weeds: Making the most out of a sticky situation Acting on Sticky Nightshade (Solanum sisymbroiifolium) as an emerging threat
Click here to download a copy of the Sticky Nightshade Technical Notes.
Need more information?
Contact our team of experts to discuss how Method® 240SL can support the control of Sticky Nightshade on your land or call our customer service line on:
03 7019 3839.