Method 240 SL Herbicide: A Rail Corridor Weed Management Trial

Controlling vegetation along rail corridors is an essential element of rail safety and infrastructure management. In this article, Kim Evans from GTE Track Spray shares his experience with a recent trial of Method® 240 SL herbicide within a densely overgrown area in the regional rail network.

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In a recent trial, Envu partnered with Kim Evans from GTE Track Spray, to test Method® 240SL Herbicide on a 300 km section of railway spanning from Broken Hill, NSW to Peterborough, SA. GTE is a key partner of Envu due to their size, capability and long history of utilising the latest technology and introducing new products within their spray programs, including Esplanade®

The objective of the trial was to evaluate the efficacy of Method 240SL Herbicide in managing extremely dense vegetation along an overgrown rail corridor. Maintaining clear tracks, free of woody, broadleaf and brush weeds, is imperative for the safety of drivers and passengers and a critical component of infrastructure management within the rail sector.
With significant rainfall over the last 6-9 months, and limited vegetation maintenance over the past 4 years, due to commercial prioritisation, the rail corridor between Peterborough and Broken Hill was selected as a trial location due to its densely overgrown vegetation with a range of challenging, woody weeds, small shrubs and trees posing potential risks for the rail network.

In September 2023, Method 240SL Herbicide was applied to exceptionally dense vegetation 4m-5m either side of the tracks, at the label rate of 1.3 litres per hectare. Tank mixed with methylated seed oil (MSO) as the adjuvant, Method was applied at a water rate of 100 litres per hectare.  

The conditions upon application were favourable with the only concern factor being whether there would be sufficient penetration through to the foliage beneath the extremely thick, woody vegetation. 

Photos were taken the day after the initial treatment, revealing promising early signs of Method Herbicide's efficacy within just 24 hours.
In November 2023, nine weeks after the initial treatment, an assessment of the entire corridor was carried out to evaluate the trial's impact.

“It was immediately evident that Method 240SL Herbicide had delivered exceptional control over standalone broadleaf weeds and woody weeds that had not previously been shaded with grasses. 100% control was achieved on standalone vegetation and on areas with relatively small and less dense coverage.” Mr Evans explains.

Mr Evans points out one of the primary benefits of Method 240SL Herbicide is its remarkably low application rate of 1.3 litres per hectare compared to other products, approximately 5-6 litres per hectare. Method boasts excellent mixing properties, as demonstrated in this trial where it was combined with a potassium salt glyphosate, resulting in successful outcomes without any antagonism observed. In terms of application, Method is odourless and easy to apply, a major challenge experienced by crews in working with alternate chemistries. In addition, Mr Evans saw no reported negative off-target effects on non-target vegetation nor neighbouring crops.

Whilst a very robust trial, Mr Evans noted if Method Herbicide 240SL had been introduced whilst a continuous program was already in place, the outcomes would be even more favourable. Therefore, when regrowth occurs in those areas, but is less dense, another application of Method will be considered.

Method demonstrates exceptional value when used consistently on an annual basis and proves highly effective on broadleaf, woody and brush weeds. In addition, the trial displayed excellent results on Fleabane, especially when compared to other products.

Whilst still new to the Australian market, Mr Evans predicts that Method Herbicide 240SL will be highly effective in industrial weed control, particularly in remote corridors. 

“The next corridor that we're anticipating to apply Method on is the rail corridor from Broken Hill to Parkes, and then potentially across the Nullarbor Plain, which is very exciting as it covers an area of over 3,000 hectares”, Mr Evans states.

Segment business manager, Paul Crack, says Method has a unique point of difference in terms of application options.

“It can be applied in a number of fashions, including boom spraying, foliar spraying with a backpack, in a cut stump situation on Eucalyptus, where you cut the tree or bush down and then spray onto the exposed surface, and also cut and inject, where you cut small holes in the tree at a convenient height and inject product into that hole.”

While the trial is still in its early stages, it is providing very pleasing results. “Method Herbicide 240SL is easy to use, easy to mix, easy to transport. It is another great example of new chemistry and new technology which allows us to move away from 1950’s type products and we’ll be looking forward to using this in the future as part of all our works”. Mr Evans explained.

For more information on Method 240 SL herbicide visit the Envu website or speak to one of our team. 

Always read the label before use.

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