Two Herbicides For IVM In Australia - Esplanade And Method
EsplanadeĀ® Herbicide is a pre-emergent herbicide that offers long-lasting control of over 30 species of annual grasses, broadleaves and sedges. MethodĀ® 240 SL Herbicide, recently registered in Australia, provides proven control of mesquite, pricky acacia and other invasive woody weeds.
Esplanade Herbicide is a pre-emergent herbicide that offers long-lasting control of over 30 species of annual grasses, broadleaves and sedges at rates many times lower than previous standards such as Pendimethalin and Diuron. Esplanade is used primarily in vegetation management (VM) applications such as railroads, utility substations and roadside rights-of-way, among others. Esplanade may also be used pre-plant and post-plant for weed control in forestry plantations.
Esplanade contains the active ingredient Indaziflam, which is one of the most effective and long-lasting pre-emergence solutions available.
Esplanade is a selective, pre-emergent herbicide for control of certain grasses and broadleaf weeds in industrial vegetation management and in forestry plantations. It controls weeds by reducing the emergence of seedlings through inhibition of cellulose biosynthesis (CB inhibitor).
Paul Crack, National Sales & Marketing Manager - (Rural & IVM) at Envu, said “Esplanade is ideal for Vegetation Management customers seeking greater efficacy, improved safety and reduced environmental impact. It offers the next generation in long-lasting, pre-emergent weed performance”.
“Only Esplanade’s new mode of action, offers extended residual broad spectrum weed control, even against many weeds resistant to commonly used herbicides e.g. glyphosate, coupled with rates a fraction of current standards. This means you will accomplish more, with less active load, than ever before, reducing your cost of doing business and your environmental footprint”, Paul said.
Esplanade provides pre-emergence control of seedlings by disrupting and inhibiting normal growth of roots as they try to emerge. In general, Esplanade has no post-emergence activity meaning that it does not control plants after they have emerged and established a root system.
For control of annual weeds, Esplanade must be applied before they germinate. In order to provide pre-emergence control of annuals, Esplanade must first be activated by rainfall.
Many herbicides are degraded quickly by sunlight if they remain on the soil surface before rainfall allows them to bind with soil particles. In contrast, Esplanade has good photostability, meaning minimal breakdown on the soil surface as a result of exposure to sunlight. This allows some flexibility in application timing relative to rainfall. Esplanade should be applied with an expectation of rainfall within two months after application.
Esplanade offers Vegetation Management customers greater efficacy, improved safety and reduced environmental impact. Available in a 1L pack size.
More recently, we registered a new herbicide in Australia, Method 240 SL Herbicide. Method 240 SL Herbicide provides proven control of Mesquite, Prickly Acacia and other invasive woody weeds in pastoral and grazing land. Method 240 SL Herbicide delivers a reliable alternative to manage undesirable brush and woody weeds giving graziers and NRM groups the opportunity to restore rangeland grazing land.
Method 240 SL Herbicide key benefits.
- New active ingredient for managing undesirable woody and brush weeds in rangelands.
- Effective control of Mesquite and Prickly Acacia; two of the most problematic tree weed species in inland Australia.
- An effective tool for the restoration of grazing and rangelands.
- Systemic control through foliage and root uptake.
- Online stewardship strategy to ensure effective application, minimise environmental impact and avoid off-site damage.
Envu Vegetation Management is committed to providing highly effective, flexible products that provide you with the power to reclaim the land. To find out more information, reach out to our team.
Always read the label before use.