Reclaim Your Landscape: Effective Ways to Take Control of Woody and Brush Weeds

Envu’s Method® 240 SL herbicide – giving you the power to control even the worst woody weeds.

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Anyone that has spent time in north-eastern and north-central Australia would have felt the influence that the seasons can have on the landscape. Optimum heat and moisture provide almost perfect growing conditions, similar to tropical Mexico, the Caribbean and parts of Africa in what is described as a “Neo-tropical” zone.

Several weeds of national significance (WONS) exist in neotropical Australia including; Mesquite, Prickly Acacia, Lantana, and Wild Tobacco. These weeds are prominent within this neotropical region and heavily influence the productivity and environmental value of the land.

As a manager focusing on control and land restoration you’ve always hoped for an adaptable and effective tool that can be deployed across several scales and scenarios. The search is always on for an option that is just as effective treating broad areas as it is in highly selective restoration applications.

Non-crop, native conservation areas and open rangeland require various application options include spot spraying, basal bark treatment, cut stump application or trunk injection.

After years of testing and trialling, Envu ANZ has recently launched Method® 240 SL herbicide. Containing a new active ingredient aminocyclopyrachlor (ACP). It is a powerful synthetic auxin providing a highly efficient and efficacious herbicide.

Jyri Kaapro, Senior Development Specialist at Envu said “treatment with Method should occur when weeds are actively growing and not under environmental stress. Application rates are targeted to different weeds species and weed sizes”.  Additionally, Method 240 SL is compatible with a variety of herbicides giving you the power and flexibility to tailor your mix to your specific needs.

Providing both post emergent control and residual activity, Method 240 SL has proven very important for ongoing control of the weed seed bank particularly after seasonal rain events.

A stewardship training package suitable for land managers and applicators is provided by Envu that covers the application constraints, considerations and best practice principals and guidance for new and experienced applicators alike. Register to access the training portal here.

Envu Vegetation Management are committed to providing highly effective, flexible products that provide you with the power to reclaim the land. To find out more information, reach out to our team. 

Always read the label before use.

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Method 240SL
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