
Method 240 SL

An innovative new herbicide for broadleaf, brush and woody weed control.

New Method 240 SL Herbicide provides proven control of Mesquite, Prickly Acacia, Wilding Pines and other invasive woody weeds including many that are listed as noxious or invasive, in pastoral, conservation and grazing land. Method 240 SL Herbicide delivers a reliable alternative to manage undesirable broadleaf, brush and woody weeds giving graziers, NRM and Conservation groups the opportunity to restore rangelands. 

Learn more..
//  Targeting Hard To Control Woody Weeds
Effective in reducing the negative impacts of challenging woody weed species, such as Mesquite, Prickly Acacia and Wilding Pines.

//  Flexible Treatment Options
Method 240 SL Herbicide offers flexibility with treatment options to manage undesirable weeds, including foliar spraying, basal bark, stem injection and boom spraying.

//  Rangeland Restoration

Method 240 SL supports graziers in reclaiming and restoring pastural rangeland through control of broadleaf, brush and woody weeds.

*Disclaimer: As of Oct 4th 2022, the Environmental Science division of Bayer was divested and transferred to Envu. Note that this content was produced prior to separation.


Find the related product resources here and get in touch directly with our team to learn more about Method® 240 SL.


What is Method 240SL Herbicide?

Method 240SL is a preemergence and postemergence herbicide that controls a wide range of broadleaf weeds, vines, and brush species, including many that are listed as noxious or invasive. It is used in a variety of industrial and non-crop settings such as industrial sites and powerline rights-of-way, roadsides, and railroads, and may also be used in natural areas and lands managed for wildlife.

What is the active ingredient in Method 240SL Herbicide?

Method 240SL is a soluble liquid consisting of potassium salt of aminocyclopyrachlor (ACP).

How does Method 240SL work?

Method 240SL herbicide mimics effects on the plant’s own enzymes and blocks the growth of plants by interfering with the hormonal balance required for normal shoot and root development. It is taken up by both the roots and shoots and, once inside the plant, is translocated to the parts of the plant that are rapidly growing. Typical symptoms include twisting of the leaves and stems, which can become apparent in a matter of hours. This abnormal growth will cause the plant to die over a period of time, with more susceptible plants dying in a matter of days.

Where can Method 240SL be applied?

Method 240SL herbicide can be applied to grazed, non-crop areas including airports, highways and roadsides, railroads, pipeline and utility rights-of-way, industrial areas, fence rows, non-irrigation ditch banks, barrier strips, pumping stations and, restoration areas, natural and conservation management areas.

What broadleaf weeds and brush does Method 240SL control?

Method 240SL herbicide controls a range of broadleaf weeds and brush including mesquite, prickly acacia, gorse, broom, fleabane and blackberry. Please see the Method 240SL product label for a complete list.

Can Method 240SL be used in grazed areas?

Method 240 SL can be used in all non-crop sites including areas where grazing takes place in Australia. Please follow the approved label directions in all situations.

Is Method 240SL a good choice for custom blends?

Method 240SL herbicide is an excellent product for custom mixing to control many broadleaf weeds and brush in a variety of climates, operations and regions. Tank mix with Esplanade® for an outstanding bareground solution. Please follow the approved label directions of all products used when blending.