
Kordon Termite System AU


Kordon Termite System AU

Product Overview

Kordon is a termite management system combining a physical blanket and termite repellency. Its flexibility and toughness makes it ideal for all commercial and residential constructions. Installation is done by installers trained and approved by Envu and the product is backed by an Envu Kordon Warranty. For more information on Kordon Warranties, please click here.

Product Description

This robust material can easily be molded or cut and joined to fit complex design features. It offers a complete under slab treatment for termite and moisture membrane protection. Pre-formed sections enable a quick and easy termite system at slab intrusions such as pipes. Alternatively, Kordon can be used in conjunction with concrete laid to AS 2870 specification to form a termite management system meeting Australian Standards and the National Construction Code.

Kordon comprises polyester webbing containing deltamethrin laminated between two UV stable, low-density polyethylene sheets. The repellency effect of deltamethrin creates an unpleasant environment for foraging termites and the spread of active ingredient is 100% consistent across the entire surface.

Key Product Facts:

  • Active ingredient: Deltamethrin at an average concentration of 2 gm/m2
  • Extensively trialed and proven by C.S.I.R.O
  • Perimeter and under slab protection against termites
  • Designed and manufactured in Australia
  • A licensed Australian-made product
  • Complies with the Building Code of Australia
  • Long-term protection for real peace of mind


Use & Safety

When to use

January February March April May June July August September October November December

Where to use

Commercial building Industrial building Public building Factories Industrial premises

Application rates and delivery

Safety instructions:
  • Can irritate eyes and skin
  • No special protective clothing or equipment required
How to use:
  • Kordon termite blanket is installed on top of the bedding sand in new structures before the steel reinforcing mesh is laid.
  • Concrete is then poured on top. 

  • It is applied during construction.


How does Kordon work?

Kordon is a flexible laminate that is installed in a building during construction to prevent concealed access by subterranean termites. Kordon contains deltamethrin which is highly repellent to termites.

Subterranean termites (termites) are social insects that live in a colony like bees and ants. Typically, they form a nest in the soil or near ground level in a stump or tree trunk. They eat cellulose which is found in timber and timber products such as paper.

Attack by termites originates from the nest. Foraging termites will seek cellulose up to 50m or more from their nest. Wood or timber underground is reached by a series of tunnels built by the termite workers.

Timber above ground may be reached via mud walled tubes plastered to exposed surfaces. These tubes are built by the termites to shelter them from the light and maintain humidity.

There are more than 350 species in Australia and about 30 are classified as economically important –they attack timber in buildings.

As well as eating timber, termites damage non-cellulose materials such as soft concrete, soft metal and plastic, building sealants and foam insulation. Cracks in concrete and the gap around pipes penetrating through the concrete slab offer easy access to termites.

Kordon is installed where termites attempt to gain access to the timber in a building. The deltamethrin in Kordon is highly repellent to termites and they will avoid close contact with it. Termites then look for cellulose elsewhere or seek to go around the Kordon.

To avoid Kordon, termites build mud tubes around the barrier which are detected during an inspection by a qualified Timber Pest Inspector. Steps are then taken to eliminate the termite colony before significant damage can be done.

When termites get concealed access, such as when Kordon is not installed, access is gained for long periods before being detected.  This results in significant and expensive damage.

How long will the Kordon barrier last?

Kordon has been extensively tested by the CSIRO and has been evaluated to have a durability and design life in excess of 50 years. This represents the life expectancy of a building as deemed by Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB).

Can Kordon be installed in an existing building?

No.  It can be installed in an extension. An  accredited Kordon installer ( List of installers is available here)  is the best person to advise on how this should be done and include how this can be integrated with the existing building. ”

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