The Anatomy Of A Good Landing Page

Whether you’re using an AdWords campaign, social media marketing or just some good search engine optimisation of your website’s pages, thinking about how to turn visitors into calls means putting some structure around the pages on which potential customers land.

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Whether you’re using an AdWords campaign, social media marketing or just some good search engine optimisation of your website’s pages, thinking about how to turn visitors into calls means putting some structure around the pages on which potential customers land.


This layout uses some elements from a number of pest control company websites in Australia.

Attention: The headline

The purpose of your main headline is to get visitors interested in the rest of your message. It should relate to your AdWords ad. The words in your headline should be keywords that are search engine optimisation (SEO) and pay per click (PPC) friendly, which your visitors are using in their searches. These keywords should be used throughout your landing page.

Interest: The hero image

Bucket loads of research show that images including humans convert better than those that don’t. A short video does just as well. Make sure they are relevant to your message.

Desire: The benefits or the ‘What’s in it for me?’

Web visitors scan – they don’t read. Use bullet points. Make sure they’re relevant to your target audience.

Call to Action: It pays to have more than one

Get a free quote, book an inspection – inspire your visitors to act. Measure what is working and use subtle changes to increase your conversion rate. Big is better. Above the fold – having your CTA high on the page without having to scroll down – is best.

Collect their details

If they click ‘Get a free quote’ then use a form to catch their first name, last name, email address and what problem they need solved. Less is more and don’t forget to establish trust by ensuring them that their data is secure.

To find out more information, reach out to our team.

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