Treating Domestic Kitchens: Harbourage Areas

When treating the kitchen, some pest controllers can overlook critical hiding spots like a knife block or a food warmer tray – both ideal harbourage areas as they are in vicinity of food, warmth and water.

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As of Oct 4th 2022, the Environmental Science division of Bayer was divested and transferred to Envu. Note that this content was produced prior to separation.

Check Harbourages Thoroughly

Cockroaches are thigmotactic pests, which means they prefer to hide in tight places where they have something touching either side of their body and there is the relative safety of only one entrance and exit. When treating the kitchen, some pest controllers can overlook critical hiding spots like a knife block or a food warmer tray – both ideal harbourage areas as they are in vicinity of food, warmth and water.

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