Pest Free Pest Control Use Maxforce Activ In A Commercial Bakery

In this video, Dennis Kokontis of Pest Free Pest Control from Sydney share their experience with using Maxforce® Activ in a commercial bakery.

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Dennis Kokontis from Pest Free Pest Control explains the process of staying on top of cockroaches using Maxforce® Activ in a commercial bakery in Sydney. Dennis highlights that client education is key to maintain relationships and getting a good result.

Maxforce Active contains Clothianidin (4A chemical group).  This unique feeding stimulant has been proven in our premium product Maxforce Fusion to dramatically decrease the percentage of nymphs in the population. Maxforce Activ is also a HACCP approved formulation, which makes it extremely effective in commercial settings and food preparation areas.

To find out more information, reach out to our team.

Always read the label before use.

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