Temprid 75 Residual Insecticide Product Label Update
Temprid™ 75, a residual insecticide from Envu that will control most insect pests in various domestic, commercial, industrial and public buildings has recently had some changes to its registered product label.
The most significant change to the Temprid™ 75 label is the removal of the restraint which has prevented pest controllers from applying the product using equipment carried on their back.
Daryle Swarz, Sales and Marketing Manager – Pest & Termite Management at Envu said: "These updates have been made to simplify the Temprid 75 label, giving all the relevant information in an easy-to-understand format. Envu is also happy to be able to remove the ‘backpack application’ restriction from the label, as this was a bugbear for many pest managers".
Detailed description of all changes below:
- Application is now permitted using equipment carried on the back of the user. The restraint "DO NOT apply using spraying equipment carried on the back of the user." has been removed.
Directions for use table
- The Directions for Use table has been simplified to a format. A lot of the information which was in the Directions for Use table is now in the general Instructions.
Professional pest control uses
- The situations following "including but not limited to" have been removed from the Situation column and are now described in alphabetical order in the first paragraph of the General Instructions.
- In the pest column, the individual pest name has been replaced by two categories of pests: Indoor pests and Outdoor pests. Each pest and its associated critical comments have been moved to the General Instructions.
- The information in the Rate column has been simplified to 10 mL/L water. The reference to surface type (porous or non-porous) has been removed. Further information is provided in the General Instructions.
- In the Critical Comments column, the Best Practice Recommendation and the critical comments for each pest have been removed. Further information is provided in the General Instructions.
- The new Critical Comments provide helpful guidance on where to treat for pests. The Critical Comments refer the user to the General Instructions for further details.
- In the Situation column for Turf, the word "lawns" has been added.
- In the Situation column for Ornamentals, the statement "including but not limited to roses etc..." has been moved to the "Note on ornamentals and native plants".
- The rates of use for turf are expressed per L water and per ha.
- The rates of use for ornamentals are expressed per L water and per 100 L water.
- The statement "Refer to Note on Ornamentals and Native Plants" has been added to the Critical Comments for Ornamentals.
General instructions
- The General Instructions now contain more information.
- A general description of the product and its use situations has been added at the start of this section.
- The General Instructions now include the specific pest-by-pest instructions which were previously in the Directions For Use table.
- Users reported that the current label was confusing in relation to water volume per area treated for porous and non-porous surfaces. Rarely is there one surface type in any particular job. Users typically will mix one tank concentration and adjust the spray volume accordingly depending on the surfaces being treated. The key application recommendation is not to exceed the point of run off. The application details have therefore been updated to reflect this best practice.
- Under Application, the word "only" has been removed from the statement "Apply as a broadcast application only for the treatment of carpets and rugs." since the product may also be by broadcast application in turf.
- The statements "DO NOT spray directly on humans, exposed food or food utensils or food preparation areas." and "DO NOT spray clothing." have been replaced by the following statements.
- DO NOT spray directly on humans, clothing, bed covers or bed linen.
- DO NOT use in cots where infants sleep.
- DO NOT apply directly on pets or pets’ bedding.
- If delicate fabrics or materials which may be damaged by water require treatment, test the spray on a small inconspicuous area first.
- DO NOT spray exposed food, food utensils or food preparation areas. Allow spray to dry thoroughly before handling materials that have been treated with this product. If prior handling is necessary, wear chemical resistant gloves. Gloves must be washed after each day's use.
- The words "or stored" have been added to the sentence "Cover all dishes and utensils and surfaces where food is prepared or stored."
- In the note on ornamentals and native plants, the words "including but not limited to Roses, Azaleas, Hibiscus, Pelargoniums, Magnolia, Melaleuca, Eucalyptus, Viburnum, Camellia and Lilly Pilly" have been added. This species list was previously in the Directions For Use table for Ornamentals.
Safety directions
- Additional PPE is required when applying the product using equipment carried on the back of the user.
Download the new label here.
To find out more information, reach out to our team.
Always read the label before use.
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